Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Starting something new...
I believe that blogs are next big thing in communication between teachers, students, and parents. We are spending lots of time in teaching teachers how to use web pages and e-mail to communicate with parents, but I believe that if teachers learn how to blog, they'll never go back to doing web pages again. Why, you say? When you do web pages, you have to worry about formatting, pictures, and the like; with a blog, you can do text and text only. When you do web pages, you post them and hope people go to your site: with a blog, once you get your students' parents to subscribe, when you post it, they get it. Blogs are quick, clean, and simple -- all things that busy teachers need. During the next days and weeks, I'll be learning more about how to do this new thing of blogging. And hopefully, I'll learn enough that I can get some of our middle school staff blogging too! See ya!